

Bentley Interior

Bentley Interior 

Bentley Interior Car

Bentley Interior 2014

 Bentley Interior

Prestige Car - Bentley

Initially cars were considered to be a luxury item. Over a period of time, cars have become necessity for many people all across the globe. But there is another level of people for whom car is a necessity as well as luxury. These people buy cars to add to their prestige. Big brand like Bentley is certainly a prestige car. Over years, Bentley prestige cars have been associated with luxury and class. Creative manpower assembles this car with so much of detail and hard work that the beauty of this brand comes out in much larger way. The beautiful detailing in the interiors and amazing exteriors of this car make it look like tailor made for people who have got the privilege to own it and use it. If we look at the history of this brand then Bentley actually started when W. O. Bentley started selling cars. Surprising part is that at that time the cars sold by W. O. Bentley were not his own cars. He always wanted to make cars and sell them however initially he sold other cars. With his hard work and dedication, finally he started his line of cars under the brand name of Bentley Motors Ltd. This started in year 1919 however the first car was out in 1921. The reason was that at those times most of the things were done by workmen rather than machines and a lot of detailing was involved in making a car at that time.

With passage of time, new innovations started taking place. Bentley started using aluminium pistons in order to make them light. Almost from initial days Bentley has been a car of desire for wealthy people and a separate class was given to this brand. With brand and class some difficulties came in. Due to depression in the market people stopped buying these out of world experience cars as they were very expensive. That is time when Bentley sold out to Rolls Royce and there on this new company started selling out these cars. That is the time when things changed for this brand. And once again people started showing more interest in buying these models. There are numerous people across the globe ready to own these masterpieces at any cost. People who have taste for vintage and heritage always want at least one Bentley model in their collection. What magic and what show! If you have the entire classic models but are missing a Bentley then you are missing real heritage. These cars are actually prestige cars and have got great history attached to them.

With the kind of detailing and attention which goes in the interiors and exteriors of this car, people find them very fascinating. These cars are a ideal example of beauty and classic attraction. The continental, Mulsannes, Turbos and Azures are till date considered to be one of the best cars released in the market. These cars are expensive but the pleasure of owning one of these beauties is much beyond the cost attached to them.

Garima Gupta Singh

Freelance Writer & Corporate Trainer

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